An introduction to mobile payments: market drivers, applications, and inhibitors

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This paper provides a market view of mobile payments. It starts with a discussion of the variety and growth of payments being made with mobile devices. The relationship between mobile payments and their core business drivers, mobile banking and mobile commerce, are explored. How mobile devices reduce costs, increase reach and enable omnichannel business processes are discussed. The disintermediating effect of mobile payments on existing payment processes is explored. Finally, a review of some of the inhibitors for mobile payments growth is considered.


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Christopher P. Beshouri and Jon Gravråk, “Capturing the Promise of Mobile Banking in Emerging Markets,” McKinsey Quarterly, (February 2010) p. 2.

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Alberto Chaia, Aparna Dalal, Tony Goland, Maria Jose Gonzalez, Jonathan Morduch, Robert Schiff, “Half the World is Unbanked,” Financial Access Initiative Framing Note (October 2009).

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An introduction to mobile payments: market drivers, applications, and inhibitors


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MOBILESoft 2014: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems

ISBN: 9781450328784 DOI: 10.1145/2593902 Copyright © 2014 ACM.

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